Evaluation of Road Projects
Abbreviation: VRCESPR Load: 30(L) + 0(E) + 20(LE) + 10(S) + 0(FLE) + 0(PEE)
Lecturers in charge: dr. sc. Danijela Barić
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Danijela Barić ( Laboratory exercises, Seminar )
Course description: The decision-making process in road transport. Road transport investments. Basic concepts in the investment process. Planning of investment projects in road transport. Stages of planning investment projects in road transport. Identification and quantification of basic parameters. Structural preparation of road projects. Documentation basis, analysis and synthesis studies. Technical documentation in the process of evaluating road transport projects. Technical and economic life of the project in road transport. Evaluation of road transport projects. Evaluation methodology for road projects. Evaluation methods for road transport projects. Evaluation of road projects using the SWOT analysis method. Evaluation of road transport projects by multi-criteria decision making. Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP method). Evaluation of road transport projects by Cost-benefit analysis (CBA method). Indicator budgets on dynamic rating approach. Benefit / cost ratio, internal rate of return, net present value, relative net present value, payback period. Economic flow of the project. Term plan. Choosing the optimal solution. Road project risk assessment: sensitivity analysis, risk analysis, acceptable risk level assessment, risk prevention. Financing models for road transport projects. Sources of financing for road transport projects. Case study: optimal project in road transport.
Lecture languages: hr
Compulsory literature:
1. Barić, D.: Vrednovanje cestovnih projekata - autorizirana predavanja, Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, 2018.
Recommended literature:
3. Barić, D.: Metode za ocjenu i izbor investicijskih projekata u prometu, magistarski rad, Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, 2006.
4. Bendeković, J. i koautori.: Priprema i ocjena investicijskih projekata, FOIP biblioteka, Zagreb, 2007.
5. Bendeković, J. i koautori: Vodič za analizu troškova i koristi investicijskih projekata, FOIP biblioteka, Zagreb, 2007.
6. Guide to cost-benefit analysis of investment projects, Economic appraisal tool for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, European Commission Directorate General and Urban policy, 2014.
7. Kumares, C. Sinha, Samuel Labi: Transportation Decision Making: Principles of Project Evaluation and Programming, John Wiley & Sons, inc., June 2007
8. Rabbani, S. J. L., Rabbani, S.R.: Decision in Transportation with the Analytic Hierarchy Process, UFPB/CCT, Brasil, 1996.
9. Saaty, T. L.: Creative Thinking, Problem solving and Decision Making, RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, USA, 2006.
10. Vukan R. Vuchic: Urban Transit: Operations, Planning and Economics, John Wiley & Sons, inc., 2005.
11. Priručnici za programsku potporu Expert Choice 11.5 i MS Excel
12. Odabrani zakoni i podzakonski akti
13. Odabrane Investicijske studije i projekti iz područja cestovnog prometa
L - Lectures
E - Exercises
LE - Laboratory exercises
S - Seminar
FLE - Practical foreign language exercises
PEE - Physical education excercises
* - Not graded