Transport Optimization Group

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences

Hrvoje Gold, Phd.

Hrvoje Gold received his Diploma and M.Sc. degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and goldComputing, University of Zagreb and D.Sc. degree from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences University of Zagreb, in 1974, 1979, and 1995, respectively. After obtaining his Diploma degree he worked as a research assistant at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb on development of computer applications of complex systems. Since 1982 he is working at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Science, University of Zagreb where he teaches undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses related to computer science and artificial intelligence. His main research interests are: intelligent transportation systems, transport optimization, computer vision and remote sensing. He participated as the leader or researcher in R&D projects funded by European Commission, national research projects and professional projects in cooperation with industry. He published more than 80 papers in journals and conference proceedings. He is a member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society and Intelligent Transport Systems Croatia. He is the head of the Department of intelligent transportation systems.

Research keywords
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS), transport optimization, computer vision, remote sensing

+385 1 2457 912 (Office) 

Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI): HRV | ENG

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