Supermicro GPU server as the part of the laboratory

Supermicro GPU server as the part of the laboratory

On October 11, 2021, the Supermicro A+ 2024US-TRT application server was added to the laboratory equipment. The procurement of the mentioned server was realized within the Croatian Scientific Foundation research project “Development of Learning Agent-based Systems for Improved Urban Traffic Control” (DLASIUT), led by Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko. It will be used for the parallel running of the microscopic traffic […]

Signed contract for financing a student project

Signed contract for financing a student project

On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, a contract was signed on the financing of the student project “Scientific research activities of the Student Research Group SIS-DVA”. Funding was provided by the Student Center of the University of Zagreb in the competition “Second public call for applications for funding of cultural, sports, scientific and educational activities conducted exclusively by students and student […]

Technology transfer – Sustainable Urban Mobility Boost Smart Toolbox

Technology transfer – Sustainable Urban Mobility Boost Smart Toolbox

On January 20, 2021, a remote workshop was held along with the presentation of the upgraded Migration Pattern Analysis (MAS) platform. The mentioned upgrade is developed by Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. The MAS platform is an integral part of the laboratory software library, and the mentioned upgrade was developed within the SUMBooST project. The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, […]