Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

NumberNameDescriptionContact personContactData formatAccessRemarks
1Traffic data from Miramarska (Zagreb) underpass streetData include following features: concentration of personal cars, heavy vehicles, buses and motorcycles in traffic flow (computed according to the vehicle length), vehicle speed, number of lane, vehicle orientation (measured by a Radar detector), MAC addresses of various Bluetooth-enabled devices. Those data included at the time of detection is also available for indication of how well the device responded to a query from the detector (measured by a Bluetooth detector).Dominik Cvetek, mag. ing. traff.dcvetek@fpz.hr.csv (available at the FTTS cloud service)Open accessData is collected since March 2019 – detectors are still active
2Traffic data from the Republic of Slovenia (collected by traffic inductive loops)Data is collected by use of inductive loops installed on the Slovenian Road Network. The data is collected by the Slovenian Ministry of Infrastructure. Data is available from 2007 to 2014Edouard Ivanjko, Ph.D. eivanjko@fpz.hr .xls (DVD)Send a request to a contact person
3Information about IEEE 802.11 Network trafficThe data covers traffic parameters such as outgoing and incoming traffic and latency before and during the presence of non-Wi-Fi source in the 2.4 GHz bandwith.Ivan Forenbacher, Ph.D.iforenbacher@fpz.hr.xlsSend a request to a contact person
4IEEE 802.11 Network Performance Measurement dataThe data include a set of different telecommunication parameters, including bandwidth, SNR, signal strength and signal coverage measured in O-71 at ZUK Borongaj.Ivan Forenbacher, Ph.D.iforenbacher@fpz.hr.esxSend a request to a contact person
5Smartphone traffic data generated through the access to mobile network The traffic data generated in MB for individual devices / users at the application level – derived by mobile network accessSiniša Husnjak, Ph.D.shusnjak@fpz.unizg.hr.xlsSend a request to a contact person
6Traffic data generated by smartphones with access to Wi-Fi networksThe traffic data generated in MB for individual devices / users at the application level – derived by Wi-Fi network accessSiniša Husnjak, Ph.D.shusnjak@fpz.unizg.hr.xlsSend a request to a contact person
7Aggregated data of traffic counting on Croatian RoadsData is aggregated as the annual average daily traffic and annual average summer trafficMarijan Jakovljevićmjakovljevic@fpz.unizg.hr.xlsx, part of data is available in PDFSend a request to a contact personData is available in from 2010 to 2019