OJP4Danube – Coordination mechanisms for multimodal cross-border traveller information network based on OJP for Danube Region

Local team leader: Sadko Mandžuka, PhD.

Start date: 01-07-2020

End date: 31-12-2022

Budget in Overall: 3,005,633.41 EUR

Specific objective: Support environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas

Project web page

The Danube Region is lacking a fully multimodal network (road, rail, water transport) and suffers from transport bottlenecks mainly in the area of road transport causing negative impact on citizens and nature. In addition the high administrative fragmentation of the transport sector is a big obstacle in the realisation of effective multimodal networks. The integration of coordination mechanisms and better alignment of transport operators and travel information operators from different levels in a technical and organisational manner is in the heart of our project in order to develop a multimodal cross-border travel information network. Particular focus is put to main railway corridors that are connected to regional and local networks, and to cycling routes and cycling relevant travel information for better accessibility. This will allow multimodal local trips as well as long-distance journeys with environmentally- friendly modes, including cycling and inland waterways. Such multimodal chains are highly demanded by tourists, but also by commuters within and across the borders.
In this project we will create the required digital infrastructure, the innovative novel methods and tools to facilitate an operational network of services and – above all – create in the Strategy and Actions Plans the long-term organisational structure for the network. By applying the innovative method of Open Journey Planning (OJP Standard) in an operative environment, we are able to provide end-user services.
We bring together 14 partners from 8 Danube Region countries that tackle the common challenge. As the objectives are ambitious, we need to stress that we do not start from scratch, but can build on the implementations, learnings and well established cooperation from LinkingDanube project, that will get an innovative boost through the involved research organisations. The transfer of knowledge to the policy level, future adopters and expert level are a main scope of the project.