Krešimir Kušić, mag. ing. traff., receives SWISS scholarship

We are pleased to share excellent news. The Switzerland Commission has selected our college research assistant Krešimir Kušić as the MAIN candidate for a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for the academic year 2021/22. He will spend one year abroad (from September 2021 till September 2022) working at the Swiss University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland in the Institute of Information Systems, Smart Infrastructure Laboratory (SILab). He will be supervised by Prof. René Schumann, an expert in multi-agent optimizations techniques of complex systems.

The core of research will be applying a multi-agent reinforcement-learning-based traffic control strategy for improved highway efficiency, particularly Variable Speed Limit control. The concept will be tested using a structured learning framework developed by the SILab research team. The planned research abroad aligns with the currently ongoing projects “Control system of the spatial-temporal variable speed limit in the environment of connected vehicles“, funded by the Scientific Foundation of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FFTS), project “Development of Learning Agent-based Systems for Improved Urban Traffic Control (DLASIUT)“, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation.

Finally, the planned activities are in line with the ongoing research led by Prof. Edouard Ivanjko at the Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems of FFTS.