Radiotelefonska komunikacija IV
Kratica: RATEKIV Opterećenje: 15(P) + 15(A) + 0(L) + 0(S) + 0(SJ) + 0(TJ)
Nositelji: Pred. Ivana Francetić
Izvođači: Ivana Varešak dipl. ing. ( Auditorne vježbe )
Opis predmeta: Crew resource management. Peculiarities in practice flights in aerodrome traffic - high/low key. Aspects of civil-military communication. STANAG phraseology. NATO phraseology (coded abbreviations). Differences and similarities between Croatian Airforce and STANAG phraseology. Interception. Communication in flights within aerodrome control zone in IFR and VFR route flights, communication in visual navigation. Advantages and disadvantages of the voice communication in relation to the data link between controllers and pilots. Helicopter phraseology. Urgency end emergency procedures
Practical classes: Detailed analysis of STANAG procedures. Radar assistance in communication failure. Military exercise flights. One-way and two-way communication failure. Transmitting blind. Emergency descent. Fuel jettisoning. Phraseology and communication on flights in Bell helicopter and specific communication for PC-9. Communication exercises on FRASCA simulator.
Jezici na kojima se održava nastava: Engleski
Obavezna literatura:
1. ICAO Annex 10, Vol V, 2002.
2. ICAO Doc 4444-ATM/501 - Phraseologies, 2003.
3. ICAO Doc 9432-AN/925 - Manual of Radiotelephony, 2006.
4. NATO, STANAG No. 3817, 1999.
5. Multy-service brevity codes, AFTTP (I) 3 - 2.5, June 2003.
Preporučena literatura:
6. JAR FCL Communications, 2002.
7. Marinčić, M.: Radiotelephony Part I i II, FPZ, 1999.
8. Marinčić, M.: RTF Communications Handbook, 2000.
9. Mostarac, N.: Military procedures, UHRZ, 2001.
10. Pavlović, V.: RT Exercises for Simulator FRASCA PC-9M
P - Predavanja
A - Auditorne vježbe
L - Laboratorijske vježbe
S - Seminar
SJ - Vježbe iz stranog jezika
TJ - Vježbe tjelesnog odgoja
* - Predmet se ne polaže