Interdisciplinary research group of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture with a focus on open data

This research group was established for the needs of the TWINING Open Data Operational project with the aim of developing interdisciplinary scientific excellence and the potential for innovation of the University of Zagreb in the field of open data, and to encourage the supply and use of free public data from the agricultural sector, as well as other sectors whose data are needed for the agriculture sector in Croatia and the region, based on the initiative of assist. prof. Dragica Šalamon, PhD.

Initial founding members:

  • prof. Alen Džidić, PhD
  • assist. prof. Maja Ferenčaković, PhD
  • prof. Hrvoje Kutnjak, PhD
  • prof. Ivica Ljubičić, PhD
  • assist. prof. Dragica Šalamon, PhD
  • Filip Varga, mag. biol. exp.
  • extended in the first year of the group’s activities with additional members:
  • assist. prof. Lucija Blašković, PhD
  • assist. prof. Igor Bogunović, PhD
  • assist. prof. Dubravka Mandušić, PhD
  • assist. prof. Petra Posedel Šimović.

The group’s operational plan until the TODO project expiration is to achieve in cooperation with other such groups of the TODO consortium at other components of the University of Zagreb:

  • 30 interdisciplinary publications in the field of open data research and use (the result planned by the project)
  • formal networking with similar groups at other components of the University of Zagreb
  • supplementing the teaching content in order to encourage the supply and use of free public data in Croatia and the region.

The thematic research currently includes:

  1. The agriculture sector in Croatia
  • Applications assessment
  • Stakeholders assessment
  • Useful production data (real-time predictive data and models for dairy and wine sectors)
  • Synthesis/evaluation
  1. Biological databases in Croatia
  • Botanical
  • animal spatial, temporal, movement data (GEOD)
  • DNA (crio, in silico)
  • Resources and potential in Croatia
  • Genomic databases – metadata, data quality
  1. Data literacy + open data in education
  • Tressholds
  • Needs and opportunities

The publications in the first 15 months of the project were realized with the first steps in interdiciplinary cooperation with Faculty of organisation and informatics, Faculty ER, Faculty of science and Technical University DELFT:

  • Šalamon D. (2019) Overview of open data in Croatia available for use in the sector of agriculture // Book of Abstracts of the International Conference Innovations: Guarantee for Future of Agribusiness in Croatia / Svržnjak, Kristina (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko agroekonomsko društvo, p. 31-32
  • Šalamon D., Blašković L., Džidić A., Varga F., Čavrak I., Bosnić I. (2020) Data literacy in the sector of agriculture of Croatia: Learning about and with open data // Book of Abstracts of the International Conference Innovations: Guarantee for Future of Agribusiness in Croatia / Zagreb: Hrvatsko agroekonomsko društvo
  • Varga F., Grdiša M., Nikolić T., Guberović E., Bosnić I., Welle Donker F., Šalamon D (2021) Spatial records quality for Dalmatian pyrethrum from Croatian Open Databases. the 56th Croatian & 16th International Symposium on Agriculture 2021
  • Šalamon D, Tomičić Furjan M, Džidić A, Varga F, Hrustek L, van Loenen B (2021) Promoting digital innovation: Identifying the key elements in agricultural open data ecosystem in Croatia. the 56th Croatian & 16th International Symp. on Agriculture 2021
  • Hrustek L, Tomičić Furjan M, Džidić A., Šalamon D, Varga F, van Loenen B(2021) Key stakeholder groups for digital innovation of agriculture in Croatia. the 56th Croatian & 16th International Symp. on Agriculture 2021
  • In addition to the research work, the members of the group enable the preparation of graduate and final thesis and professional projects for students of the Faculty of Agriculture.

Our intention is to continue this formalized cooperation at the Faculty of Agriculture and to expand with those members of the University of Zagreb interested in contributing to this goal also after the TODO project expires in the formalised interdisciplinary group of the University of Zagreb.






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