Recently, a website titled DogCityZg (DogCityZg) has been published, collecting, and interactively displaying all publicly available information for dog owners. The website is based on data collected during scientific research published by Varga et al. (2022) in INDESC (INDECS) last year. The data was then curated by students of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture for a datathon organized by the Central State Office for the Development of Digital Society for which they won a first place in the social challenges category (Central State Office for Digital Society Development – the Daathon winners created IT solutions for the promotion of open data and won valuable awards ( Alongside interactive map containing information on dog parks, dog waste bins, and various amenities aimed at dogs, the users can also download the data in .geojson format for further reuse.

DogCityZg website based on open data is up and running
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