ERGONOMICS 2016 – Focus on Synergy

The 6th International Ergonomics Conference ERGONOMICS 2016 – Focus on Synergy that will take place from 15-18 of June 2016 in Zadar, Croatia. The Conferences in this series have been organized by the Croatian Ergonomics Society (HED) since 2001, this time it is a joint project with: Swiss Ergonomics Association (SwissErgo) Ergonomics Society of Taiwan [...]

Natječaj za stipendiju za diplomski studij na Georgia Institute of Technology

Zaklada Naumann-Etienne dodjeljuje stipendiju za diplomski studij (Master’s degree) u trajanju od jedne do dvije godine na Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) u Atlanti, SAD i to iz područja: industrial engineering information and computer science electrical engineering biotechnology biomedical engineering aerospace Rok za prijavu je 16. studenog 2015. g. Detaljne uvjete natječaja možete naći [...]

7th International Conference on Maritime Transport

Call A call for abstracts for the 7th International Conference on Maritime Transport has been announced. Authors are requested to submit abstracts in English of no more than 300 words, emphasizing the topic, originality of the work, main results and possible application. The scientific committee will review all the papers presented. All accepted papers will [...]

CEEPUS – mobilnost za studente

Nakon prošlog natječaja, ostala su tri mjesta (po 1 mjesec) za studente preddiplomskih, diplomskih i poslijediplomskih studija na Sveučilištima u Češkim Budjevicama, Budimpešti i Ekonomskom fakultetu u Ljubljani. Zainteresirani studenti trebaju se javiti CEEPUS koordinatorici, doc. dr. sc. Nikolini Brnjac. Više o programu CEEPUS saznajte na našim stranicama.

Tribina – Erasmus+ stručna praksa 2015/16

Pozivamo sve zainteresirane studente i nastavnike Fakulteta prometnih znanosti na predavanje ERASMUS+ STRUČNA PRAKSA koje će se održati u utorak 20. listopada 2015. s početkom u 10 sati u objektu 69, Amfiteatar. U okviru predavanja studenti i nastavno osoblje biti će upoznati sa načinom funkcioniranja ERASMUS STRUČNE PRAKSE te uvjetima dobivanja stipendije. Više o stručnoj [...]

Modern Electrified Transportation 2015

Department of Railway Transport of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, in cooperation with the Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Machines, organized the 12th conference MET’2015 (Modern Electrified Transportation). The conference was held in Trogir, Croatia from the 4th to 7th October 2015. It included participants from the Zagreb Faculty of Electrical [...]

PC Crash 2015 at the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences

On September 25, 2015 the Department of Traffic Accident Expertise organised a crash test at the Bronogaj University Campus in cooperation with EVU Croatia. The test involved a collision between a personal vehicle and traffic signals and equipment. The test was just a part of the seminar during which the participants learned about the possibilities [...]

Welcome 2015/16 Erasmus+ students

Dear Erasmus+ partners and incoming students, Welcome to the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia in the academic year 2015/16. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the application deadline for students who will be coming to Zagreb in the summer semester of the 2015/16 [...]

Stručni skup Smart City

Ugledni belgijski institut Multitel koji radi na razvitku sustava Smart City u belgijskim gradovima u suradnji s Konzorcijem tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu organizira Stručni skup Smart City. Skup će se održati uz potporu Udruge gradova – 121 grad u Hrvatskoj, Energy platform Living Lab i Multitel iz Belgije. Mjesto održavanja skupa je Znanstveno-učilišni kampus [...]

Osnovan Savjet Fakulteta prometnih znanosti

Dekan Fakulteta prometnih znanosti, prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Gold na osnivačkoj sjednici održanoj 16. srpnja 2015. g. donio je odluku o osnivanju Savjeta Fakulteta prometnih znanosti radi ostvarenja zajedničkog interesa unaprjeđenja rada i suradnje Fakulteta prometnih znanosti i članica Savjeta.

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