Natječaji za stipendije za studentsku razmjenu u 2016/17

Sveučilište u Zagrebu objavljuje natječaje za studentske razmjene u akademskoj godini 2016./2017. u okviru bilateralne međusveučilišne razmjene. Stipendije se odnose na: City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) – ljetni semestar, redoviti studenti preddiplomskih studija M.V. Lomonosov (Ruska Federacija) – ljetni semestar, redoviti studenti preddiplomskih ili diplomskih studija Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Čile) – [...]

One-year scholarship program sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria 2017/18

The Free State of Bavaria invites applications for its one-year scholarship program for students from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe for the academic year 2017/18 via BAYHOST. Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are eligible to apply. The scholarships are meant to finance doctoral or postgraduate [...]

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