Modern Electrified Transportation 2015

Department of Railway Transport of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, in cooperation with the Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Machines, organized the 12th conference MET’2015 (Modern Electrified Transportation). The conference was held in Trogir, Croatia from the 4th to 7th October 2015. It included participants from the Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technical University of Cracow, Poznan, Loggia, Gdansk and Silesia Kielce, University of Genoa, St. Pölten and Sarajevo, Croatian Railways Infrastructure and PKP Energetika, as well as railway industry representatives from Croatian, Poland, France, Czech Republic and Switzerland. The 32 presented scientific papers have been published in the proceedings of the conference. The MET conference is held every two years and this is the first time it was held outside of Poland.

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