Second Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus+ project: ELPT – Expert on Local Public Transport

On Thursday, 08 July 2021, the Second Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus+ project: ELPT – Expert on Local Public Transport took place. The meeting was organized by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, and in accordance with the current epidemiological situation, the meeting was held online via Webex platform. Representatives of partner organisations from four countries participated in this meeting: Cyprus, Italy, Slovenia, Spain.

On Thursday, 08 July 2021, the Second Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus+ project: ELPT – Expert on Local Public Transport took place. The meeting was organized by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, and in accordance with the current epidemiological situation, the meeting was held online via Webex platform. Representatives of partner organisations from four countries participated in this meeting: Cyprus, Italy, Slovenia, Spain.
The project is a strategic partnership aimed at developing innovative outputs in the field of Vocational Training for Local Public Transport System. Some of the specific objectives of the project are developing a new vocational profile, training programme and developing a monitoring tool for skills mismatch and emerging labour market needs in the local public transport.
During the Second Transnational Meeting, the partners discussed the progress and implementation of the Intellectual Outputs, as well as dissemination activities. The meeting was very productive, and the partners very enthusiastic and active. Very important decisions were made regarding the progress and implementation of further project activities and partners expressed their satisfaction with the results achieved during the meeting.

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