
Welcome to the QoE4VR (Quality of Experience for Virtual Reality Applications) project site! Here you can learn the basics of QoE concept and VR and find the latest information about our research project, news and events, results and much more.

Look for our contact information to get in touch with us. We are open for future cooperation and development of new ideas.

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Here is our selection of posts for you to read. See if you can find something that interests you. You can read about basic terms relevant to our project, check out some of our results or go through the project news.

Post 5
Experimenting with omnidirectional videos
Click Read more button to see how we started experimenting with omnidirectional videos; investigating the impacts of frame rate, bit rate and resolution changes on user QoE.
Post 5
Post 4
First results
Click Read more button and we will take you to our first post of the results page. We are happy to share with you our first initial findings of the QoE4VR project.
Post 4
Post 3
What is Quality of Experience (QoE)?
Network operators and service providers from the very advent of telecommunications wanted to know what is the level of service quality which is provided to the end users.
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Post 2
Virtual Reality 101
The most straightforward definition of Virtual Reality (VR) would be that it is a computer emulated 3-dimensional reality which can be explored and interacted with by a person.
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Post 1
Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality
Apart from VR, it is useful to briefly discuss the concept of Augmented Reality (AR).
Post 1
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About the project

Within the QoE4VR project, we are eager to find out the connection between network related parameters (such as latency, packet loss, jitter, bandwidth and others) and human perception of quality of Virtual Reality applications.

Our group of researchers is maybe small, but we overcome the lack in numbers with our enthusiasm, scientific curiosity and overall hard working. The team leader is professor Stefica Mrvelj – experienced researcher in the telecommunication field. Members of the team are Mario Mustra and Marko Matulin (with expertise in video quality, coding, evaluation, QoE, QoS) as well as Tomislav Fratrovic, Diana Rupcic and Marijana Greblicki (all expert mathematicians and data analysts).

The QoE4VR project is funded by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. The project started in July 2017.

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The people

This is our team. We are a group of six hard working individuals teamed up on this quest to shed a light on a new QoE research field – QoE for Virtual Reality.

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