During the winter semester, here at the Faculty, our students tried out VR gaming. They had a choice of several types of games, namely, the first-person shooter (FPS), table tennis or puzzle solving. Surprisingly, the majority of students chose to play an FPS game.
Even if the table tennis game provides more real-life experience compared to the other types of games offered to the students, simply because it is more likely to be able to play the tennis in real-life compared to the e.g. shooting guns in real-life, most of the students chose to play FPS game. Perhaps, the level of action provided by the FPS game played a decisive role when choosing the game.
All students stated that they enjoyed the experience; for most of them, this was the first time in the VR environment. As seen from the picture, some students also had quite intensifying physical exercise while trying to “stay alive” and hit all the opponents.