Sergo Martirosov from University of West Bohemia joined the team

During the period from 15th of March 2019 to 15th of June 2019 a PhD student from the University of West Bohemia, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Pilsen, Czech Republic, came to us on ERASMUS+ Student Mobility for Traineeships programme. His name is Sergo Martirosov and he specializes in developing VR environments, namely for educational and training purposes. Continue reading “Sergo Martirosov from University of West Bohemia joined the team”

Tidying up the QoE4VR HQ

The equipment that we need for the implementation of the QoE4VR project is now with us for a couple of days. We can report that we are working very hard on playing the games, using VR applications and exploring which content can we use in the survey of user QoE. This was so immersive experience for us that we completely forgot to inform you that we have also created our little Play Area (as it is called in the HTC Vive room setup software). Continue reading “Tidying up the QoE4VR HQ”