Final conference held

The SORDITO final conference took place on 15th February 2016 in University campus Borongaj. Research project SORDITO was led by Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb in cooperation with partner Mireo Inc. More than 100 experts and scientists from the field, as well as students of the University, expressed the interest about the project results.
In the first part of the conference, project SORDITO is presented through project outputs that were accomplished by the project partners (Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences and Mireo Inc). In the second part of the conference results of the project are presented in two project topics: first one predicting traffic congestion in urban areas and second one time dependent vehicle routing problem based on speed profiles.
Project team members held a number of presentations about project results. Presentations are given below ([media-downloader media_id=”937″]):
- Predicting traffic congestion in urban areas (speed profiles), presenter: Tomislav Erdelić
- Predicting traffic congestion in urban areas (slowdown coefficients), presenter: Ana Milošević
- Time dependent vehicle routing problem based on speed profiles, presenter: Lovro Rožić
- Examples of using the speed profiles for commercial purposes, presenter: Juraj Fosin
The presentations were followed by discussion motivated by the questions and comments from the audience. The final conference of the project SORDITO was a good opportunity for all stakeholders to share with each other their own experience and express their overview of the project. We hope all realized activities will continue even after the end of the project and experience gained will help further research in the scientific and industrial sector. Photo gallery from the conference is available on this link.
The conference was recorded and the video is available here:
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