The project presented on 13th International Exibition of Inventions ARCA 2015

On the 13th International Exhibition of Innovations ARCA 2015 (held in Boćarski dom, Zagreb) the innovative character of the project SORDITO was presented to the academia members and industrial experts. Tomislav Erdelić and Lovro Rožić presented the main project ideas and the achieved results. The presenters explained in detail the project implementation phases, ranging from the data collection to the specific stages of solving the Vehicle Routing Problem in four major cities in Croatia. Apart of these discussions, two web applications were presented: 1) the first one determines the shortest path between the two selected points on the map of Croatia, taking into account the day of week and time of the departure, and 2) the second one displays the speed profiles for the selected link on the map of Croatia. Furthermore, the application for presentation and comparison of the results of real-life vehicle routing problems was presented. For its work, the SORDITO project team was awarded with the gold medal (the list of the awarded teams in available here).
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