On December 15, 2022, University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences and North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (REGEA) organized an outreach event Smart Technologies in Urban Mobility where they presented the results of the projects implemented through the EIT Urban Mobility and New European Bauhaus programs, but also the activities that will begin in 2023.
Projects that were presented were Sustainable Urban Mobility Boost Smart Toolbox Upgrade (SUMBooST2) and NEB4INNOVATION.
SUMBooST2 project developed universally applicable data science methodology which extracts key urban mobility parameters and origin/destination matrix from the anonymised big data set gathered form telecom operator. What makes this project innovative are the developed algorithms which separate relevant mobility data from the overall dataset and are unique part of the methodology (toolbox).
NEB4INNOVATION was a two-day hackathon that took place on October 3 and 4, 2022, and was organised by the Nort-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency in cooperation with the Entrepreneurial Center of Krapina-Zagorje County d.o.o. and the Zagorje Development Agency.
The event was attended by different stakeholders, such as City of Zagreb Transport Sector, Zagreb Development Agency, Zagreb Electric Tram, Ernst & Young, City of Samobor and companies such as Gepek, Trafiki and Sigprom. After the presentation, a short discussion was held with the stakeholders.
EIT Urban Mobility aims to accelerate solutions and the transition towards a user-centric, integrated and truly multimodal transport system. As the leading European innovation community for urban mobility, EIT Urban Mobility works to avoid fragmentation by facilitating collaboration between cities, industry, academia, research and innovation to solve the most pressing mobility challenges of cities. Using cities as living labs, its industry, research and university partners will demonstrate how new technologies can work to solve real problems in real cities by transporting people, goods and waste in smarter ways.
For more information visit www.eiturbanmobility.eu