Sustainable Urban Mobility Boost Smart Toolbox Upgrade


Sustainable Urban Mobility Boost Smart Toolbox Upgrade (SUMBooST2) is supported by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) Urban Mobility, an initiative of the EIT, a body of the European Union. The project is being developed within the RIS (Regional Innovation Scheme) 2021 Program.

SUMBooST2 is a follow up of SUMBooST 2020 project where the methodology of the toolbox was based on the identification of passenger car trips only. The project plans to further improve the methodology and will mainly be focused on identifying sustainable transport modes and their strengthening, but personal car trips will also be analyzed as an additional validation of the first version of toolbox.

For the methodology to be valid, it must be implemented in representative number of cities. SUMBooST included implementation and validation in the City of Rijeka, and SUMBooST2 continues with two other cities.

SUMBooST2 focus

The main problem addressed by the project is the globally frequent overuse of unsustainable transport modes in urban areas.

A high share of passenger car trips should be reduced to achieve the sustainability of the transport system.

The largest share of a passenger cars in the trip modal distribution is caused by the passenger’s routine and the weak and inadequate offer of alternatives like active mobility or public transport.

Most of the research and surveys show that people are ready to shift to sustainable transport modes and change their mobility routine to an available adequate alternative.

Project goals

SUMBooST2 in numbers

Pilot cities

The transport planners need information on where and how people travel within the city (origin/destination matrix by transport mode). Using this information, they can encourage sustainable mobility modes and dissimulate personal car usage. This kind of data is complicated, expensive, and time-consuming to obtain by traditional methods.

Innovative solutions​

The defined problem is tackled with the SUMBooST2 project using the innovative method of obtaining the origin/destination matrix correlated with the modal split. Innovative methodology (toolbox) is based on big data science further enhanced and validated through traditional traffic research. The most creative and innovative part is the extraction of the mobility parameters from the big data set gathered from telecom operators.

User benefits

The toolbox usage will provide its users with information on origin/destination city zone pairs with a significant share of trips made by active modes of transport and give them a valid input where they can make upgrades and additionally expand the usage of active mobility modes. Also, the toolbox will provide users with origin/destination pairs with low active transport and a large share of passenger car trips and give them input where to discourage those unsustainable mobility modes.

Main objective

The main objective is to provide the city transport planners and city decision makers with a toolbox that can give them valid input for their transport planning. The origin/destination matrix with a modal split is a valid data set that is hard and expensive to obtain in a traditional way (traffic counting, surveying). The Toolbox provides a fast and efficient way to obtain an accurate data set based on which city planners can develop new solutions.