Sustain4VET – Online training held by AFT (Finland)

Sustain4VET is an Erasmus+ project aiming to equip level 4 and 5 (EQF) teachers in Transport-Logistics with “turnkey” living case studies as well as a guide to innovative pedagogical methods for online collaborative teaching.

As part of this project, the partners are offering you the opportunity to participate in a training course in English and online on February 14, 15 and 16.

This training will be divided into three modules during which you will be able to :

  • Discover the living case studies developed by the project’s partner schools
  • Learn about a variety of innovative teaching methods
  • Apply these methods by solving a live case study in cooperation with your peers from different European countries

If you are interested, please contact Marion Jacolin – European Project Officer – by email:, indicating the modules you are interested in. More information will be given to you afterwards.

The original publication (on their website) is available here: