Publishment of a scientific article on living based teaching in logistics and transport in one of scientific journals in the field of pedagogy in Slovenia

Patricija Bajec and Violeta Jurkovič, lecturers on the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport (UL) – partner of Sustain4VET project published one scientific article entitled Live case studies in teaching logistics and transport – use, benefits and challenges for teachers in Sodobna pedagogika – scientific journal in the field of pedagogy.

They claim that a set of competences in logistics and transport, which are industries with a primary role in the economy, is becoming more extensive. The labor market therefore expects graduates to be able to recognize and solve problems and master soft skills, which is why educational institutions are moving towards a more experiential pedagogy. Among the teaching methods that emphasize creative problem solving and innovative thinking, and at the same time seem very appropriate in cases where students or pupils cannot practice in a work environment, are live case studies. Authors even found out that there is no research into the use of this teaching method in logistics and transport, and research in related fields neglects the role of the teacher, who is a key factor in successful learning. They, therefore, aimed to make qualitative research to provide an in-depth insight into the use, benefits and challenges of live case studies in transport and logistics teaching for teachers. The research showed that there are no major deviations in the implementation steps compared to the results of past research, but the abandonment of reflection at the end of the learning cycle remains problematic. As an advantage of using live case studies for teachers, the possibility of connecting theory and practice and vice versa was emphasized for the first time. Live case studies have a motivating effect on teachers and strengthen their creativity. Challenges for teachers remain mainly cooperation with an external stakeholder, lack of time and even the absence of live case studies in some areas.

Results presented in the article are not Sustan4VET results but rather the fruit of their separate research.
