Transport Optimization Group

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences

ITS students held a workshop “Introduction to Programming AVR microcontroller architecture using the Arduino platform”

On 20 May 2016, a workshop was held for students entitled: “Introduction to Programming AVR microcontroller architecture using the Arduino platform.” The workshop is fully organized and carried out by the students of the Faculty of Traffic Engineering on departement of Intelligent Transport Systems under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Ph. D. Tonči Carić.

Speakers and organizers of the workshop are Leo Tišljarić, Dominik Cvetek and Borna Kapusta, students of the third year of undergraduate study of ITS.


Conducted objectives of the workshop are:

  • Show students the application of acquired knowledge in the College of Algorithms and Programming with programming AVR microcontroller
  • Acquiring teaching skills of graduate students


The workshop consisted of a theoretical part and exercises:
Part 1: Theoretical background (Leo Tišljarić)

  • General features Arduino platforms
  • Parts Arduino development tiles
  • Input and output pins
  • The method of making printed circuit boards
  • Arduino software

Part 2: Programming microcontrollers (Dominik Cvetek, Borna Kapusta)

  • Exercise 1. Reading inputs with analog pins and display the Serial Monitor
  • Exercise 2. Control of LEDs lights based on the state of lighting in the room
  • Exercise 3. Development of “saving” traffic light devices


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With a great atmosphere, students learn the basics of programming microcontrollers. After the workshop  evaluation of the workshop was conducted, the following are some comments of students:

“Excellent theme, and lecturers.”
“I like this kind of work. I think we all could and with other courses you would be applied this way of learning. ”
“Super As for lectures, communication with students, I’d like to keep these workshops and in the future”
“Excellent all, the best professors!”

Updated: 7. July 2016 — 15:51

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