Transport Optimization Group

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences


Trenutni projekti

  1. Sustav za Optimizaciju Ruta u DInamičkom Transportnom Okruženju
  2. Computer Vision Innovations for Safe Traffic (VISTA), IPA,  3/2013 – 3/2015
  3. EU Transport and Urban Development (TUD) COST actions
    • Towards Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems TU1102 (ARTS),  05/2011 – 09/2015
    • Social networks and travel behaviour TU1305, 03/2014 – 03/2018

Završeni projekti

  1. OPTiRUT software for optimizing goods delivery routes, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences University of Zagreb for Orbico Group, 2008 – 2014
  2. Tehnologijski projekt Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije RH, STIRP-42 /2002 (TP098/2003-34), 1/2004 – 12/2006, FPZ, IRB, PMF. CRO-GRID Aplikacije Optimizacija organizacije transporta
  3. Quantitative methods, algorithms and simulation research in traffic, Scientific project of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences University of Zagreb financed by the Ministry of Science Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, 2002 -2006
  4. Logistic concept of commercial urban transport, Scientific project of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences University of Zagreb financed by the Ministry of Science Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, 2002 -2006
  5. Quantitative methods in traffic, Scientific project of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences University of Zagreb financed by the Ministry of Science Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, 2002 -2006

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