Transport Optimization Group

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences

prof. Edouard Ivanjko, Phd.

Edouard Ivanjko received his B.Sc. degree in 2001 and Ph.D. degree in 2009 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, respectively. After obtaining his B.Sc. he edouardworked as a research assistant at the Department of control and computer engineering, Faculty of electrical engineering and computing, University of Zagreb. Since 2011 he is working at the Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Science, University of Zagreb as an Assistant Professor. His main research interests are: autonomous vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, estimation and prediction of traffic parameters, application of computer vision in road traffic parameters measurement (vehicle classification, flow, origin-destination matrices, vehicle trajectory) and artificial intelligence in road traffic control (ramp metering and variable speed limit control). He participated on several EU (VISTA, ICSI and COST TU1102), national (2013-ZUID-21,, 135-1352598-2581, 036-0363078-3018 and 003618) and industry funded projects (Siemens). He was an organizing committee member of several international conferences (ISIE2005, ECMR2009, ICIRA2011, CCW2013 and CCW2014). During his undergraduate and graduate studies he was awarded with four faculty prizes (including the bronze plaque “Josip Lončar”) and with scholarships from the Pharmaceutics Company Pliva d.d. and the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. He published one book chapter, 4 papers in international journals and 28 papers in proceedings of international conferences. He is a member of KoREMA, IEEE, Center of Excellence for Computer Vision and Croatian Society for Robotics.

Research keywords
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS), road traffic simulation and control, computer vision in road traffic, estimation and prediction of traffic parameters, intelligent systems in road traffic, autonomous vehicles

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