Transport Optimization Group

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences

Leo Tišljarić, Phd.

Leo Tišljarić was born 29th of September 1994. at Zagreb, Croatia. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree (title: “Analysis of Queues and Level of Service on Urban Roads Using Machine Learning Algorithms and NoSql Database”) in Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics from Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb in 2016. and 2018. respectively. After obtaining his B.Sc. he worked as undergraduate assistant at Department for Applied Computing. While he was on master study he participated on internships at Span Ltd. as Windows server administrator, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Ltd. on project „Smart Internet of Things Analytics“ and went to international internship to Audi AG (Germany) as C# and Python developer. While he was worked in Audi AG he submitted a patent with title „Verfahren zum Verarbeiten eines technischen Notrufs sowie System zum Durchführen des Verfahrens” (no. 102018200570.2) related to methods for data analysis in E-call service. In 2016. he receives a Rector reward for his paper „Measurement of Energy Consumption of a Small Electric Vehicle With Respect to Configuration of the Terrain to Optimize Vehicle Routes“ and Dean award in 2017. for best student GPA.

In September 2018. he starts to wor as a Junior researcher on project „Datacross – Advanced methods and technologies in Data Science and Cooperative Systems“. Same year, he enrolls the Ph.D. study „Traffic“ at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at University of Zagreb (study adviser: Tonči Carić). He participates in teaching on the cours of Algorithms and programming.

Research/professional interests: data mining, machine learning, intelligent transportation systems


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