Transport Optimization Group

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences

Nikola Mardešić, M.Sc.

Nikola Mardešić was born on the 5th of December 1996. in Split, where he completed primary and classical high school. In 2021, he received his M.Sc. degree at the Faculty of Traffic Sciences of the University of Zagreb. He graduated on the topic “Origin-Destination Flow and Traffic Parameter Estimation Based on Cellular Network Data and Vehicle Movement Historical Records” (mentor: Prof. Tonči Carić, PhD). During his studies, in 2020, he was employed by the company Eximia Engineering GmbH (Germany), which specialized in developing software in the automotive industry, where he worked until October 2022. In October 2022, he was elected to the associate title of assistant in the engineering sciences, field technology of traffic and transport, at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb. He is currently employed at the Faculty of Transport Sciences in the Department of Intelligent Transport Systems and is participating in the teaching course Database systems. His areas of interest include optimization procedures, data mining, and machine learning procedures in traffic and transportation. He actively works with C#, Python programming languages​​, and Microsoft SQL and MVC programming tools.
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