4th VISTA Workshop

At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb the fourth workshop of EU project “VISTA – Computer Vision Innovations for Safe Traffic” was held on 20th March 2015. The coordinator of the project is the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in partnership with the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering. The participants of the workshop were companies that are a part of the Croatian automotive sector. Junior researchers presented the work done so far in different research areas of the project and presented plans for the future.

Workshop program schedule can be found here.

Measurement of traffic parameters with computer vision using classifiers

We invite you to a VISTA research seminar:

“Measurement of traffic parameters with computer vision using classifiers”

held by Kristian Kovačić, mag. ing. traff. The seminar will be held on friday 13.2.2015. at 14:15 in TCR.


Lecture consists of a short explanation of the LBP feature extraction and classification algorithms, architecture and experimental results of the proposed system for vehicle detection and tracking from the video footage. Dataset used for the classifier learning process is obtained from the video footage made by Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences and video footage obtained from Toyota Motor Europe website. Testing of the system is made on a video footage of Zagreb bypass.

Auto klub: Article about VISTA project – “Croatian project for safe traffic”

Croatian automobile magazine Autoklub published article about VISTA project in edition released on 28.02.2014. Journalist from Autoklub have visited Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG-FER) where they talked with the project coordinator Prof. dr. Sven Loncaric and get to know VISTA research team. Published article can be viewed here.

Real-time vehicle detection and tracking on multiple lanes using one camera

A research seminar in scope of VISTA project with title “Real-time vehicle detection and tracking on multiple lanes using one camera” will take place on 15. April, 2014. at 14:15. Seminar will be held at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG-FER) in TCR hall.


Development of computing power and cheap video cameras enabled today’s traffic management systems to include more cameras and computer vision applications for transportation system monitoring and control. Combined with image processing algorithms cameras are used as sensors to measure road traffic parameters like flow, origin-destination matrices, classify vehicles, etc. Typical commercial computer vision based traffic monitoring systems use one camera per lane to ensure accurate and robust traffic parameters measurement. This presents a drawback since many cameras are needed for roads with multiple lanes making such systems expensive. In this presentation main accent will be on methods that allow real-time multiple vehicle detection and tracking on multiple lanes using one camera only. Vehicle detection is based on separating foreground (dynamic) and background (static) segments in an image. Background model is determined comparing a large number of preprocessed images with a background image and updating it accordingly. All dynamic pixels in an image are grouped into clusters by checking their vicinity with other dynamic pixels. Tracking algorithm computes a weight factor for each cluster based on a cluster area, cluster overlapping area and distance between multiple clusters. Several past vehicle poses and pose changes are used to enhance the vehicle trajectory estimation. To ensure real-time capabilities, image processing algorithm computation distribution between CPU and GPU is applied. The CPU executes parts related to pixel clustering and object tracking while GPU executes parts that can be parallelized for computation (image preprocessing, creation of a background model, moving object detection). Described system is tested using real traffic video footage obtained from Croatian highways.