Joint Research Workshop on Computer Vision Zagreb-Koblenz

A research workshop under title “Joint Research Workshop on Computer Vision Zagreb-Koblenz (JRWCV 2014)” will take place on 18th March 2014 at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia. The organizers of the workshop are Center for Computer Vision at University of Zagreb and Active Vision Group at University of Koblenz, Germany.

The goal of the workshop is to present research activities and to foster research collaboration between the Center for Computer Vision and Active Vision Group.

The workshop will take place in the White Hall of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. The workshop program is available here.

2nd VISTA Workshop

At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb the second workshop of EU project “VISTA – Computer Vision Innovations for Safe Traffic” was held on 25th February 2014. The coordinator of the project is the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in partnership with the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering. The participants of the workshop were companies that are a part of the Croatian automotive sector. Junior researchers presented the work done so far in different research areas of the project and presented plans for the future.

More information can be found below and pictures from the workshop can be found here.

1st VISTA Workshop

Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, te Fakultet prometnih znanosti u Zagrebu su započeli projekt “VISTA – Computer Vision Innovations for Safe Traffic” koji je financiran iz pretpristupnih (IPA) fondova. Projekt se bavi primjenom računalnog vida za napredne sustave za asistenciju vozaču (npr. detekcija znakova, horizontalne signalizacije, umora vozača, vizualizacija okoline vozila i drugo). EU doprinos je 573.000 EUR, a projekt je usmjeren na jačanje istraživačkog kapaciteta partnera na projektu, Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva i Fakulteta prometnih znanosti, te na jačanje povezanosti i suradnje između istraživačkih institucija i poduzeća u hrvatskom auto sektoru.

Pozivamo Vas da sudjelujete u radionici koja će biti održana u četvrtak 20. lipnja u 11:00 sati u Sivoj vijećnici na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva. Program radionice je moguće preuzeti ovdje.

Molimo Vas da potvrdu dolaska pošaljete na adresu

ISPA 2013

At the 8th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2013) a special session under the title “Computer Vision for Automotive Applications” will be organized. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • automatic road infrastructure inspection;
  • automatic road enforcement;
  • panoramic vehicle surroundings visualization;
  • traffic sign recognition;
  • pedestrian and pedestrian crossing detection;
  • implementations of embedded computer vision-based ITS.

In the scope of project we are participating in organisation of this special section with our newest research result.