
  • Military pilots defend their Master’s theses in Zadar

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Military pilots defend their Master’s theses in Zadar

    On May 16th, 2024, the Department of Aeronautics of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb held Master’s theses defences for the students of the regular and…

  • A lecture by James R. Lee

    Thumbnail for the post titled: A lecture by James R. Lee

    On Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 9:00 AM, Captain James R. Lee will be visiting the Department of Aeronautics. He will give a presentation on his career, pilot training, and…

  • Students visit Aviation Technical Center in Velika Gorica

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Students visit Aviation Technical Center in Velika Gorica

    Graduate students from the Department of Aeronautics and the Department of Air Transport of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb took part in the already traditional visit…

  • Bachelor’s theses defences September 2023

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Bachelor’s theses defences September 2023

    Department of Aeronautics held Bachelor’s theses defences from September 5 to September 20, 2023. Nine students enrolled in the Civil pilot module defended their theses and obtained the University Bachelor…

  • New study programmes available at FTTS

    Thumbnail for the post titled: New study programmes available at FTTS

    Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb (FTTS) is launching a new university graduate study programme titled “Logistics and Mobility Management” (TALENT). The new study programme will be carried…