
  • Captain James R. Lee delivers engaging lecture

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    Department of Aeronautics hosted Captain James R. Lee who gave a lecture on pilot training and “Threat and Error Management“ (TEM) model and recounted most interesting events of his distinguished…

  • Captain James R. Lee to hold a lecture on pilot training and TEM model

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Captain James R. Lee to hold a lecture on pilot training and TEM model

    On Tuesday, March 14, Department of Aeronautics is hosting Captain James R. Lee. Captain Lee will hold a lecture on pilot training and “Threat and Error Management” model (TEM). Captain…

  • Master’s theses defences September 2022

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Master’s theses defences September 2022

    Master’s theses defences were organized at the Department of Aeronautics on September 22, 2022. The following students successfully defended their Master’s theses and obtained the Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering degrees:…

  • Theses defences September 2022

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Theses defences September 2022

    Bachelor’s thesis defences were held at the Department of Aeronautics on September 15,16 and 19, 2022. Defences for students of Civil pilot module were held on September 15 with the…

  • News reports on air traffic controller training programme and employment

    Thumbnail for the post titled: News reports on air traffic controller training programme and employment

    On Monday, May 23, 2022, two Croatian media outlets, HRT and RTL aired in their regular news programmes Dnevnik and RTL Danas interesting news reports on air traffic controller training…