
  • Military pilot study programme at FTTS one of the 10 most popular in Croatia

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Military pilot study programme at FTTS one of the 10 most popular in Croatia

    Croatia’s acquisition of 12 Rafale multirole fighter aircraft sparks interest in military pilot study programme at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Read more about the challenges that await…

  • FTTS students on field classes and professional practice

    Thumbnail for the post titled: FTTS students on field classes and professional practice

    Participating in traffic accident investigations, visiting the Croatian Aviation Training Center at the Lučko Airport, field classes at the Franjo Tuđman International Airport and other renowned companies are only a…

  • Exhibition of remote-controlled aircraft

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Exhibition of remote-controlled aircraft

    On October 13, 2021, undergraduate students of aeronautics – pilot module, visited the exhibition of remote-controlled aircraft at the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum in Zagreb. The exhibition was organized by…

  • Theses defences September 2021

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Theses defences September 2021

    Bachelor’s thesis defences for military pilots were organized at the Department of Aeronautics on September 13th, 2021. The following nine students successfully defended their Bachelor’s degree theses and obtained the…

  • Workshop on Escape Light deployment at CTU Prague and University of Zagreb

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Workshop on Escape Light deployment at CTU Prague and University of Zagreb

    The workshop on Escape Light deployment was organized by the CTU Prague and partnered with the University of Zagreb to showcase to other universities what they can achieve with EUROCONTROL’s…