Project name: AI Situational Awareness Foundation for Advancing Automation

Project acronym: AISA

Project duration: 01.06.2020. – 30.11.2022.

Total project budget: € 990.125,00

Total partner (FPZ) budget: € 131.875,00

Funding institution: European Commission

About AISA

AI Situational Awareness Foundation for Advancing Automation (AISA) is a Horizon 2020 SESAR project in which Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of University of Zagreb is the project coordinator in a consortium of 7 partners from Europe.

The main goal of the project is to build a sturdy foundation for automation in ATM which rests upon situational awareness.

Instead of individual approach to ATC tasks, such as conflict detection and coordination, a new platform would share the situational awareness with ATCOs, which would enable the platform to resolve tasks in similar or same way as them.

The proposed topic handles the problem of AI transparency, which should result in a solution that is able to explain the reasoning behind the decisions.

As a result, research will show how far it is possible to deduce machine learning false estimates, how resilient such systems are to failure and enable future automation based on machine learning.

To achieve defined objectives, the project is divided into seven work packages, four of which are technical work packages and the other three are related to project management, communication and dissemination.

AISA project participants are the following:

  1. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences from Croatia
  2. University of Linz from Austria
  3. Slot Consulting from Hungary
  4. Technical university Braunschweig from Germany
  5. Polytechnic University of Madrid from Spain
  6. Zurich University of Applied Sciences from Switzerland
  7. Skyguide from Switzerland