Flight Training Courses

Presently, organization has a certificate for:

  • Integrated ATP(A) Training Course,
  • FI(A) Training Course,
  • FI(A)/IRI(A) Refresher Seminar,
  • MCC(A) Modular Training Course,
  • MEP(A) Modular Training Course,
  • MEP(A) Refresher Class Rating Course,
  • PPL(A) Training Course,
  • LAPL(A) Training Course,
  • SEP(A) Refresher Class Rating Course,
  • Night Rating (NR) Course,
  • IR Modular Courses,
  • IRI(A) Training Course.

Integrated ATP(A) Training Programme with MCC

The Course is intended for candidates that want to be trained “ab initio” to the level that allows them to be employed by an airline. The Course includes 750 hours of theoretical training to the level of theoretical knowledge of ATPL(A) (“frozen theory”). The theoretical part of the Course is performed at the Aeronautical department of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, a part of The University of Zagreb and composed of classroom lectures, CBT and individual study. The performance of each candidate is monitored constantly and the dynamics of the teaching process are adjusted accordingly.
The practical part of the Course is performed in Croatian Aviation Training Center (CATC) at Lučko airport. It is made up of 140 hours of flying SE and ME aeroplanes and 40 hours on FNPT II plus 15 hours on FNPT II MCC. The whole course is planed to last 18 months. Upon completion of training the candidate is eligible to sign up for exams with the CCAA. Upon successful completion of the exams with the CCAA, the candidate is issued a CPL(A)/IR/MEP/MCC with ATPL(A) “frozen theory”.

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