Project name: Meteorological uncertainty management for Flow Management Positions

Project acronym: FMPMet

Project duration: 01.05.2020. – 31.10.2022.

Total project budget: € 849.000,00

Total partner (FPZ) budget: € 86.000,00

Funding institution: European Commission

About FMP Met

Meteorological uncertainty management for Flow Management Positions (FMPMet) is a Horizon 2020 SESAR project in which Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences from University of Zagreb is one of the nine project participants where University of Seville is the project coordinator.

Framework for this project is the integration of meteorological forecast uncertainty information into the decision-making process for Flow Management Position. Flow Management Position is an operational position located in Area Control Centers that is an interface between Air Traffic Control and Network Manager.

Flow Management Position is in charge of defining sectors capacity in anticipation of unexpected events. FMPMet aims to provide Flow Management Position with intuitive and interpretable probabilistic assessment of the meteorological impact on sectors complexity and reduced capacity up to eight hours in advance. This assessment is based on combination of multi-scale, multi-source convective weather information, forecast of multi-sector demand and complexity under the effect of convective weather and translation of convective weather impact into predictions of reduced airspace capacity.

Overall objective of the project is to improve Air Traffic Management efficiency by improving decision making process in traffic flow management under convective weather, thus leading to reduction of delays. To achieve this objective the project is divided into six technical work packages and two transversal work packages.

FMPMet project participants are the following:

  1. University of Seville
  2. State Meteorological Agency, Spain
  3. Austro Control
  4. Croatia Control
  5. Linköping University
  6. Meteosolutions Gmbh
  7. University of Salzburg
  8. University Carlos III of Madrid
  9. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences