Master Studies Programme for military pilots
Island Mali Lošinj hosted a workshop for training teachers at Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management studies. Workshop took place at military base Kovčanje from 10th to 13th September…
New generation of graduates
We would like to congratulate to our new generation of graduated pilots and air traffic controllers and wish them best of luck in their future career. Oral presentation of their…
Workshop Held for HUSK and HZNS Instructors
On July 9 2015 a workshop was held for the teachers of HUSK and HZNS at the Department of Aeronautics. According to HUSK Operations Manual it is defined that all…
Zavod za aeronautiku dobio novog doktora znanosti
U petak, 10. srpnja 2015. u Vijećnici Fakulteta prometnih znanosti, doktorand Jurica Ivošević, mag. ing., obranio je doktorski rad pod naslovom: ‘Određivanje utjecaja unutarnje buke zrakoplova na sposobnost pilota’. U…
Internship Completed for Two French Air Force Academy Cadets
After three months spent in Zagreb, at the Department of Aeronautics, two French Air Force Academy cadets 2nd Lieutenants Maxime Machado and Matthieu Rummens have returned to their posts at…