• Theses defences September 2021

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Theses defences September 2021

    Bachelor’s thesis defences for military pilots were organized at the Department of Aeronautics on September 13th, 2021. The following nine students successfully defended their Bachelor’s degree theses and obtained the…

  • AISA at ENGAGE Thematic Challenge 2 Workshop – Automation, AI and ML

    The AISA project (AI Situational Awareness Foundation for Advancing Automation) was presented at The Engage Thematic Challenge 2 Workshop – Automation, AI and ML that was organised by University of…

  • Workshop on Escape Light deployment at CTU Prague and University of Zagreb

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Workshop on Escape Light deployment at CTU Prague and University of Zagreb

    The workshop on Escape Light deployment was organized by the CTU Prague and partnered with the University of Zagreb to showcase to other universities what they can achieve with EUROCONTROL’s…

  • AMOS-BL Kick-off Meeting

    The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, together with Croatian SME Quantum Bit Ltd., is starting a new research and development project called Adaptive Modular Software-Defined Radio for Unmanned Aerial…

  • KAAT workshop at UNIZG

    Thumbnail for the post titled: KAAT workshop at UNIZG

    On 7th December 2020, an online workshop was held in the organization of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of the University of Zagreb, presenting the achieved goals of…