• The Department of Aeronautics received a new doctor of science

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    On Thursday, October 1, 2020, a candidate Bruno Antulov-Fantulin, mag.ing.aeronaut., defended his doctoral dissertation titled: Air Traffic Complexity Model based on Air Traffic Controller Tasks. The doctoral thesis was written and…

  • Students of the Department of Aeronautics have successfully finished EUROCONTROL Traineeships!

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Students of the Department of Aeronautics have successfully finished EUROCONTROL Traineeships!

      Three students of the Department of Aeronautics (Petar Papoči, Dorea Antolović and Tea Dobroslavić) attended EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC) Traineeships from April till June/August 2020. During the traineeships, the…

  • Defence of Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis at the Department of Aeronautics

    Defence of Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis at the Department of Aeronautics was organized online via MS Teams during July and September 2020. The following 25 students successfully defended their Bachelor’s…

  • KAAT at ZIRP Conference

    On 29th and 30th September 2020, the 18th ZIRP conference was held, organised by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, in cooperation with numerous partners including…

  • AISA Kick-off Meeting

    The representatives of Department of Aeronautics (ZAN) of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences participated in the Kick-off Meeting of H2020 project AI Situational Awareness Foundation for Advancing Automation…