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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems


National Open Data Conference – NODC2021

National Open Data Conference – NODC2021, a three-day event, will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, from 20th to 22nd of September 2021 in hybrid mode. NODC2021 is organized within the Horizon 2020 Twinning Open Data Operational project (857592 – TODO) with the primary goal to disseminate and communicate the project’s ongoing results and agenda to […]

Four new conference papers accepted

The newest research results of department members have been accepted for publication in four conference papers. The first paper titled “Proposal for Fuzzy based Adaptive Traffic Signal Control for Reducing Vehicle Emissions” is accepted for the conference “3rd International Scientific Conference “TRANSPORT FOR TODAY’S SOCIETY”” which will be held on October 14-16, 2021 in Bitola, North Macedonia. […]

New project grant received

On the 28th May 2021, financing for one Ph.D. student in the scope of the call DOK-2021-02 of the Croatian Science Foundation was granted to Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko. The new Ph.D. student will work on the HRZZ project DLASIUT and will receive financing for four years. Joint supervision of the Ph.D. student with Prof. Tonči Carić is envisaged. […]

ZIRP2020 conference papers published

Three conference papers coauthored by Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko presented on the last year conference ZIRP2020 have been published in the book Transformation of Transportation issued by Springer. All the papers present the results of the joint work between Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko and his young researchers and national and international associates. The titles of the papers are Traffic Flow […]

New journal paper published

The Department members published a new paper under the title ”Variable Speed Limit and Ramp Metering for Mixed Traffic Flows: A Review and Open Questions” in the international scientific journal MDPI Applied Sciences, Special Issue “Artificial Intelligence for Connected and Automated Vehicles“. The authors of the paper are Filip Vrbanić, M.Sc, assoc. prof. Edouard Ivanjko, Ph.D., […]

Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.