Members of the Department of Intelligent Transport Systems of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences participated in the TRANSCOM 2021 conference organized by the University of Žilina, Slovakia. The conference was held from May 26 to 28 in the online edition. Members of the department participated in the conference with the paper “Fuzzy Inference […]
Krešimir Kušić, mag. ing. traff. receives SWISS scholarship
We are pleased to share excellent news. The Switzerland Commission has selected our college research assistant Krešimir Kušić as the MAIN candidate for a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for the academic year 2021/2022. He will spend one year abroad (from September 2021 till September 2022) working at the Swiss University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland […]
ZIRP2020 conference papers published
Three conference papers coauthored by Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko presented on the last year conference ZIRP2020 have been published in the book Transformation of Transportation issued by Springer. All the papers present the results of the joint work between Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko and his young researchers and national and international associates. The titles of the papers are Traffic Flow […]
New journal paper published
The Department members published a new paper under the title ”Variable Speed Limit and Ramp Metering for Mixed Traffic Flows: A Review and Open Questions” in the international scientific journal MDPI Applied Sciences, Special Issue “Artificial Intelligence for Connected and Automated Vehicles“. The authors of the paper are Filip Vrbanić, M.Sc, assoc. prof. Edouard Ivanjko, Ph.D., […]
Open data days – CRO
As a part of ”Open Data Days”, which were organized in cooperation Code for Croatia and GONG, and in partnership with the H2020 Project ‘’Twinning Open Data Operational – TODO’’, held a virtual conference entitled ”Social useful open technologies: How have disasters digitized us and what’s next?” The following two days, the Virtual Weekend Hackathon […]
New paper published in journal Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
Members of the department, Tomislav Erdelić, MSc, prof. Tonči Carić, PhD, Martina Erdelić, MSc and Leo Tišljarić, MSc, published the article titled „Estimating congestion zones and travel time indexes based on the floating car data“ in journal Computers, Environment and Urban Systems which publisher is Elsevier. The article is published in open access as a […]
Signed agreement for assigning funds for a research project of the Croatian Science Foundation
On Tuesday, December 22, 2021, at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, the agreement for the assigning of funds from the Croatian Science Foundation under the tender “Research project, deadline 2020-02” for the research project IP-2020-02-5042 “Development of Learning Agent-based Systems for Improved Urban Traffic Control (DLASIUT)” led by Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko was […]
STEM skills workshop held at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
The Department for Intelligent Transport Systems supported Student Union of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences during the STEM skills workshop “Croduino for you? “. The workshop was held on November 27, 2020. in the premises of the Faculty in compliance with all epidemiological measures. At the workshop, students, through practical examples, gained insight […]
Published paper in Springer: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Department members, Leo Tišljarić and Tonči Carić participated in the research with colleagues Sofia Fernandes and Joao Gama from the Portuguese Institute of Science and Technology INESC-TEC, which resulted in the paper for the Discovery Science 2020 conference. The conference is held throughout Europe and the world, but was held online this year due to […]
Attending the conference “The influence of modern technology on man and his self-understanding”
On the 20th November, Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko attended the conference “The influence of modern technology on man and his self-understanding” (“Utjecaj suvremene tehnike na čovjeka i njegovo seberazumijevanje“), held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. He also held an invited lecture titled “People and the new digital traffic environment,” […]