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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems


Attending the Fifth International Workshop on Data Science (IWDS 2020)

On the 24th November, 2020 the Fifth International Workshop on Data Science (IWDS 2020) was held in Zagreb, Croatia. It was organized by the Centre of Research Excellence for Data Science and Advanced Cooperative Systems, Research unit Data Science and the project Advanced methods and technologies in Data Science and Cooperative Systems (DATACROSS). The workshop aimed to foster the interaction of […]

New journal paper accepted

The Department members published a new paper under the title “Traffic State Estimation and Classification on Citywide Scale Using Speed Transition Matrices” in the international scientific journal MDPI Sustainability, Special Issue “Data-driven Decision Support for Urban Management: Trends and Challenges ”. Authors of the paper are Leo Tišljarić, M.Sc, Tonči Carić, Ph.D., Borna Abramović, Ph.D., and […]

Recieved project from the “Smart Traffic Solution” Foundation

On September 21, 2020, a funding agreement for the project named “Control system of the spatial-temporal variable speed limit in the environment of connected vehicles” was signed between a Ph.D. candidate Krešimir Kušić and the Scientific Foundation of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (https://www.fpz.unizg.hr/zaklada/). The contract’s total value is 49,989.84 kn. The project […]

New journal paper accepted

The Department members published a new paper under the title “An Overview of Reinforcement Learning Methods for Variable Speed Limit Control” in the international scientific journal Applied Sciences, Special Issue “Intelligent Transportation Systems”. The paper is available at Open Access with DOI: 10.3390/app10144917. This paper was written in the co-authorship of Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko with his Ph.D. students Krešimir […]

Student research group – SIS-DVA

At the Department of Intelligent Transport Systems, Laboratory for the data science in traffic and logistics, new student research group is established. Group name is Student research group for the detection and visualization of the anomalies on the urban roads (hrv. Studentska istraživačka skupina za detekciju i vizualizaciju anomalija na gradskim prometnicama – SIS-DVA). By […]

Visit to the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) in Porto, Portugal

Our colleague, research fellow Leo Tišljarić has finished working visit to the Laboratory “Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (LIAAD),” at the INESC TEC, Portugal from February 1 until March 1, 2020. The visit was funded by the DATACROSS project. During the visit, he worked on the road traffic anomaly detection method based on […]

Visit to the School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Our colleague, research assistant Krešimir Kušić has successfully finished working visit to the Laboratory “Distributed Systems Group” at the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin, in Ireland from February 3 until March 6, 2020, under the Erasmus+ K103 SST Exchange programme. During the visit, he gained new knowledge from the field […]

Free PTV Webinar: Modeling Public Transport

Perfecting Public Transportation: choice, convenience and invest: The challenge for operators is to invest in the most effective way as they must be profitable whilst pleasing the customer. Working with PTV software you use a tool to understand different scenarios, point out action fields or adjust your operations. Register for free to learn how modeling […]

Open Data Days 2020.

The Open Data Days 2020 was held in Zagreb on March 6, 7 and 8, at which the H2020 TODO – Twinning Open Data Operational project was presented. Faculty of Transport Sciences (Department for Intelligent Transport Systems)is a full partner at this project. At the event, the project was presented by the project manager Asst. […]

Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.