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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Paper – Simulational Analysis of Two Controllers for Variable Speed Limit Control

The paper of department members assoc. prof. Edouard Ivanjko, Krešimir Kušić, mag.ing.traff. and Martin Gregurić, Ph.D. under the title “Simulational Analysis of Two Controllers for Variable Speed Limit Control” has been accepted for publication in the international scientific journal Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Transport. It is available in Ahead of Print with DOI: 10.1680/jtran.19.00069. This […]

Participation of ITS department members on the 4th Int’l Workshop on Data Science


Data Science Department members of Intelligent Transport Systems prof. Tonči Carić, assoc. prof. Edouard Ivanjko, senior assistant Martin Gregurić, assistants Krešimir Kušić and Mladen Miletić and Young researcher Leo Tišljarić participated in the 4th Int’l Workshop on Data Science (IWDS2019). The workshop is traditionally organized by the Center of Research Excellence for Data Science and […]

Participation of ITS department members on the 4th Int’l Summer School on Data Science in Split

Department members of Intelligent Transport Systems prof. Tonči Carić, assistant Krešimir Kušić, Young researcher Leo Tišljarić and student Mladen Miletić participated in the 4th Int’l Summer School on Data Science. School is traditionally organized by the Center of Research Excellence for Data Science and Advanced Cooperative Systems. The school was held from 9th to 13th […]

Doctoral Qualifying Exam – Martina Erdelić, mag. ing. traff.

Assistant on the Department of Intelligent Transport Systems  Martina Erdelić, mag. ing. traff. passed her Doctoral Qualifying Exam on July 16, 2019. under the title:  “Detecting the Transport Mode Based on the Traffic User Data”Qualification Doctoral Exam was held before the Commission composed of: assoc. prof. Edouard Ivanjko, Ph.D. prof. Tonči Carić, Ph.D. asst. prof. Mario Muštra, Ph.D. […]

Visit of Prof. René Schumann

From the 01. to the 05. July Prof. René Schumann from the Institute of Information Systems, University of Applied Science Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Switzerland visited the Department of intelligent transportation systems on the Faculty of transport and traffic sciences, University of Zagreb under the University of Zagreb and project Advanced methods and methodologies in data science and cooperative systems […]

Students Alan Vogel, Robert Šimić and Izidor Oremović win the Rector reward under the supervisory of Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko

The master students Alan Vogel, Robert Šimić and Izidor Oremović received the Rector award of the University of Zagreb for their work under the title “Simultaneous control of phase duration and sequence of an isolated signalized intersection”. They worked under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko as part of student participation of the short-term […]

Visit to School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin, College Green

Our colleagues, postdoc Martin Gregurić and research assistant Krešimir Kušić visited Laboratory named “Distributed Systems Group” at School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin, College Green in Ireland (June 10-14, 2019). The visit was funded by the University of Zagreb under the Exchange programme Erasmus+ KA103 STT. During one weeklong visit, they […]

Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.