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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Study for Providing Multimodal Traffic Information – 1. workshop

The first workshop of project Study for Providing Multimodal Traffic Information (pMMI) with key stakeholders was held on February 12 at the University Campus Borongaj in the premises of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. A key element for the development of a study is cooperation with traffic system stakeholders which in the role of carrier, infrastructure manager and traffic authority collect and store traffic data.  It gathered all key stakeholders of the entire transport system of the Republic of Croatia. At the workshop, the project objectives and the project activities were presented.

In the first part of the workshop, all the guests were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, prof.  Tomislav Josip Mlinarić, Ph.D. and the member of the Hrvatske ceste management board  Nikša Konjevod, M.Sc. The speeches emphasized the importance of the stakeholders for the project, which will be the data users, and the importance of such information for the end users. After introductory speeches in the expert part of the workshop, the presentations were held by the leader of the study asst. prof. Marko Šoštarić, Ph.D. and Krešimir Vidović, Ph.D. (Ericsson Nikola Tesla). The presentations emphasized the basic elements of study and work methodology.

The project presentation can be downloaded at the following link.

Updated: February 13, 2019 — 14:08
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.