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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

17-th Science Festival

This year’s 17th Science festival will be held from 8th to 13th April 2019 (Monday – Saturday); 10.00 – 20.00 h in TECHNICAL MUSEUM OF NIKOLA TESLA, Savska 18, Zagreb. The main theme of the 17th Science festival is COLOR, but, like in previous years, it will present other scientific topics that could be interesting and well-known to the general public. Traditionally, the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences participates with the group of lectures on the theme: The role and significance of color as a visual component in traffic and transportation technology. Head of the workshop is prof.dr. Sadko Mandžuka. You can find more about the lecture in the document.

Updated: March 22, 2019 — 13:15
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.