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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Members of the department participated in 13th International Scientific Conference Of Young Scientists On Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport – TRANSCOM 2019

Members of the Department of intelligent transport systems Tomislav Erdelić and Martina Erdelić participated in 13th International Scientific Conference Of Young Scientists On Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport – TRANSCOM 2019 where they presented their papers:

  • Classification of Travel Modes Using Streaming GNSS Data – Martina Erdelić, Tonči Carić, Edouard Ivanjko, Niko Jelušić
  • Electric vehicle routing problem with single or multiple recharges – Tomislav Erdelić, Tonči Carić, Martina Erdelić, Leo Tišljarić – presentation

The papers will be published in Transportation research procedia.

Updated: June 4, 2019 — 15:06
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.