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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Students Alan Vogel, Robert Šimić and Izidor Oremović win the Rector reward under the supervisory of Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko

The master students Alan Vogel, Robert Šimić and Izidor Oremović received the Rector award of the University of Zagreb for their work under the title “Simultaneous control of phase duration and sequence of an isolated signalized intersection”. They worked under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko as part of student participation of the short-term support from the University of Zagreb “Application of deep learning in intelligent traffic control”, and the “Scientific Centre of Excellence for Data Science and Cooperative Systems” including the corresponding project “Advanced methods and methodologies in data science and cooperative systems (DATACROSS)”. In the scope of their research, the students implemented a realistic model of an isolated intersection, proposed a fuzzy logic based decision system for adaptive control of signal phase duration and sequence, and evaluated the proposed control approach using the microscopic traffic simulator VISSIM and MATLAB. We all congratulate them for their success and wish a fruitful continuation of their research efforts.

Updated: July 11, 2019 — 08:40
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.