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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Visit of the Faculty of Traffic Sciences to company Gideon Brothers

One of the key goals of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Science is that through interactive collaboration with companies students gain important competence before going to the labor market where they need to provide the necessary knowledge and skills.

On July 10, Assistants at the Faculty of Traffic Sciences Dominik Cvetek, Leo Tišljarić and Tomislav Erdelić and a student of the 3rd year undergraduate study of Logistics Filip Buturić visited Gideon Brothers, a Croatian company for robotics and artificial intelligence, whose product Cobot (Collaborative robot) is a robot that works with people. Its application lies precisely in logistics by automating warehouse processes in the 3 leading Croatian multinational companies Atlantic Grupa, Orbico and Tokić.

Daniel Guja, leader of the Semantic Engine team at Gideon Brothers, welcomed our colleagues and presented detailed development projects they work on. At Founders Forum in Longon, Gideon Brothers was declared as best European startup company for the artificial intelligence. The company has already become a “magnet-company” for domestic and overseas investors and opens the door to the global market. It is a great opportunity for our students to collaborate or employment because the company will need new engineers to grow as a company.

Gideon’s product is an autonomous logistic robot that can carry 800 kilograms of cargo. Designed so that it can safely maneuver around people, equipment and other mobile machines. Robot’s autonomy is based on visual perception, combining deep learning technology with stereo cameras. Gideon’s technology for navigation, data security, and data capture exceeds other standard robotic systems currently offered on the market. Only two other suppliers of autonomous logistics robots in the world are currently developing autonomous technology based on visual perception. However, Gideon’s technology goes further than the competition – it’s the only autonomous mobile robot that understands its environment, recognizes objects in it, and their context. Thanks to this, the robot works consistently in highly dynamic warehouses and production plants.

Another feature that is unique to Gideon Brothers is the battery system that allows replacement during operation without a shutdown, so the loss of time for charging is minimized. The robot requires minimal intervention in the warehouse: a pallet box, from which the robot can pick up cargo and deliver it on pallets, and the battery charger. Since the robot is completely autonomous, no markers or other navigation systems are needed.

Updated: July 19, 2019 — 10:01
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.