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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

New project grant received

On the 15th February 2020, a new Installation Research Project entitled “Software Sensor Augmentation at Environmental Data Analysis Laboratory (SSA@EDAL)” funded by the Croatian Science Foundation will start. Partners on the project are the University of Split – Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, St. Kliment Ohridski University – Faculty of Technical Sciences, company Ericsson Nikola Tesla – R&D, and Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. The scientific goals of the project assume machine learning models investigation for Software Sensor Augmentation (SSA). SSA denotes estimation of measurements in points where (or when) data has not been acquired and assumes that it is possible to find knowledge representation which describes the problem well. By learning representation from the data, the knowledge can be stored or transferred to another system (or problem domain). This can result in better initialization and faster convergence rate of such systems. The learned representation can be applied for data reconstruction and thus augment the sensor capabilities, which can result in more efficient resource utilization with positive effects on industry and environment. Potential applications are in classical monitoring systems such as meteorology, transport, or EU monitoring (e.g., of fish stock). The leader of the project is Assist. Prof. Hrvoje Kalinić from the University of Split – Faculty of Science, and Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko will be the local leader of the University of Zagreb – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences research subgroup that will investigate the application of SSA in the transport domain. The local research subgroup will consist of postdoc Martin Gregurić, and assistants Krešimir Kušić and Mladen Miletić. We all congratulate on obtaining this new grant and wish a successful work on the project.

Updated: January 8, 2020 — 09:26
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.