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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

ERASMUSplus student arival

On the 12th February, Helena Tanoue Vizioli, our ERASMUSplus student from the Engineering school of Sao Carlos – EESC-USPUniversity of São Paulo, Brazil, has arrived for her six months stay. The mobility goal is to attend courses at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in the summer semester and attend an internship. She will be working with the Assist. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko, postdoc Martin Gregurić, Ph.D. student Krešimir Kušić and several master students on problems related to variable speed limit control on urban motorways with a high share of trucks with the emphasis of applying fuzzy logic for variable speed limit control. This mobility presents a continuation of the cooperation started by the student Gabriel Oliveira Melo and Assist. Prof. André Luiz Cunha both from Department for transport engineeringEngineering school of Sao Carlos – EESC-USPUniversity of São Paulo, Brazil. We all welcome Helena and wish her the very best in her ERASMUSplus mobility.

Updated: February 26, 2020 — 11:34
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.