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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Student research group – SIS-DVA

At the Department of Intelligent Transport Systems, Laboratory for the data science in traffic and logistics, new student research group is established. Group name is Student research group for the detection and visualization of the anomalies on the urban roads (hrv. Studentska istraživačka skupina za detekciju i vizualizaciju anomalija na gradskim prometnicama – SIS-DVA). By establishing the group, Department of ITS wants to give all students the opportunity to gain new skills related to data analysis that showed great value in finding a job.

The current situation is well suited for gaining new skills! Therefore, if terms like datascience, Python, Excel or statistics are not foreign to you, or you want to learn something more, you are the right student for our group.

If you would like to participate in the work of the group, please email to ltisljaric@fpz.hr.

There are no prerequisites if you have the will to learn, but it would be good to understand the basics of programming.


  • Encouraging scientific research among students
  • Raising student competencies for the future employment
  • Promoting of science among the student population

Research topics:

  • Algorithms for the traffic anomaly detection in the urban areas
  • Estimating the traffic state using speed transition matrices
  • Detection of the anomalies using tensors
  • Classification of the traffic anomalies using fuzzy logic

Web: https://www.fpz.unizg.hr/datasciencelab/index.php/en/student-research-group-sis-dva/

Group leader: Leo Tišljarić, MSc. (ltisljaric@fpz.unizg.hr)

Supervisor: Martin Gregurić, PhD. (mgreguric@fpz.unizg.hr) Head of the Laboratory for the data science in traffic and logistics

Updated: May 5, 2020 — 07:29
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.